Published Poems
Published in The Dirigible Balloon
Slide Down A Sunbeam
Slide down a sunbeam,
taste a drop of rain,
splash in a puddle
in the middle of the lane.
Fly on a wind current,
nap on a cloud,
throw down a lightning bolt
and make the thunder LOUD.
Howl in the moonlight,
race among the stars,
captain a hot air balloon
all the way to Mars.
Navigate the oceans on a
boat of billowing sails,
conquer the gigantic waves,
befriend a pod of whales.
Sit atop a redwood tree
chatting with the birds—
What adventures you can have
with just a few good words!
Copyright (©) Stacey Ramirez 2024
In January 2025, as the LA Fires ravaged my beloved city, I had the opportunity to participate in the “January Full Moon Haiku Contest” hosted by Moist Poetry Journal on BlueSky.
While my family’s home was not in danger, the fires were all around us, and like all Angelenos, I was devastated for those who lost their homes, businesses, places of worship, libraries, and communities.
Writing this haiku helped me process, and I was lucky enough to win that month’s contest. Words by me, image by Moist Poetry Journal, who also graciously sent a Rumi Divining Deck to donate to one of the numerous book drives organized for the fire victims.
Published in Paperbound Magazine, Issue 14, Spring/Summer 2024
I Befriended the Wind
I befriended the wind today.
For so long I loathed
or tolerated her—
hat pulled low, jacket zipped high,
grumbling beneath my breath
that she is a nuisance:
inflamer of skin,
splitter of lips
blow-hard of dust and hair
and chill into my bones.
But today,
needing a fresh start,
I let the wind fill my lungs,
and upon being welcomed, she revealed
that she is an artist:
composer of chime songs,
mover of clouds,
painter of the brilliant blue sky,
choreographer of shadows dancing
on the sidewalk,
playmate to the happy ghost
on the tree-swing,
alchemist of an airborne perfume
with top notes of rose and sage,
heart notes of eucalyptus and jasmine,
base notes of bark and soil.
The wind is an artist,
and I needed a friend.
So she cooled the tears on my face,
spoke to me gently, then firmly,
blew away my inertia, my fear.
She inspired me with her magic,
and I thanked her for her generosity
as a good friend does.
Copyright (©) Stacey Ramirez 2024